22 & 23 June 2024

Thank you to everyone who joined us this last year for the Festival of Golf. It was an enormous success with the final number raised being £16,000. This is the second year we have been running the event and the first time we have done it over two days – which went extremely well! If you would like to join us next year, please save the first weekend of September 2025!
After a slightly drizzly start, we saw the sunshine on Saturday with 128 golfers passing through the course. They tackled Beat the Pro on the 6th, benefitted from the young Surrey Golf elite players on the 16th for Buy a Drive and made the most of the incredible Raffle in the clubhouse. We had golfers with a range of handicaps from scratch to 36, and a mixture of members and non-members who saw the course at its very finest.
Celebrating 30 years since the club's establishment, we had 96 members take part in our shotgun start, doubling up on several of the holes! It was an even brighter day with Buy a Drive from the General Manager Toby, along with Mulligans sold by the Men’s Captain, Malcolm Handyside. There was also another attempt to Beat the Pro plus even more raffle tickets sold before everyone headed out.
The day’s prizes were presented by Club President, Ian Mitchell, who also cut the 30th anniversary cake baked by in-house Chef Ian Hooke and decorated by long-standing staff member Suzanne Godsmark.
For this special occasion, we ran an additional Accumulator which saw a member of 25 years, Terri Littlewood, take home the £1,000 prize.
Throughout the weekend, we had food provided by Halloumi Bite, a traditional Greek street food company with a range of delicious food for everyone.
Saturday Morning:
1st Place – Keith Britton, Martin Cole, Teresa Britton & Simon Cole
2nd Place – Jane Forbes, Philippa Young, Christopher Forbes & Nicholas Shepherd
3rd Place – Richard Bunn, Philip Doyle, Tim Hopkins & Ghassan Elgorr
4th Place – Cheryl Burnside, Colin Burnside, Matthew Hewitt & Liam Bailey
Straightest Drive (Ladies) – Hasoon Curtis
Straightest Drive (Men) – Kevin Turner (East Berkshire)
Nearest the Pin (Ladies) – Teresa Britton
Nearest the Pin (Men) – Robert York-Goldney Snr (East Berkshire)
Team Name – Three Scotts and a Hostage - Sohail Rasul, Ed Gordon-Steward, Andrew McDonald & Steve Meehan

Saturday Afternoon Winners:
1st Place – Ed Keep, Doug Graham, Jody Graham & Nino Pompili
2nd Place – Gill Sanderson, Len Sanderson, Michael Sanderson & Joanne Burke
3rd Place – Suthan Thiagarajah, Adam Douthwaite, Matt Anderton & Alex Humm
4th Place – Andrew Klimcke, Sandie Klimcke, Colin Baker & Melanie Baker
Straightest Drive (Ladies) – Baerbel Schuett
Straightest Drive (Men) – Harrison Hollis
Nearest the Pin (Ladies) – Jody Graham
Nearest the Pin (Men) – Alex Humm
Team Name – Daft Faders - Harrison Hollis, Lewis Puttock, George Rutherford & David Tuff
Sunday Winners:
1st Place – Martin Wade, Graham Barrett, Alan McCabe & Chris Bryant
2nd Place – Martin McNally, David Pugh, Salem Sousou & Peter Leafe
3rd Place – Gill Gordon, Joan Leach, Linda Thompson & Heather McNally
4th Place – John Rosevear, Andrea Driver, Jane Forbes & Susan Gearing
Straightest Drive (Ladies) – Sarah Bishop
Straightest Drive (Men) – Danny Devivo
Nearest the Pin (Ladies) – Won-Kyong ReillyNearest the Pin (Men) – Matt Anderton
Team name – I Like Big Putts and I Cannot Lie – Joe Genco, Danny De Vivo, Angelo Scandone & Les Morales
We would like to extend a special thanks to the Festival of Golf Committee who made this day possible; Chairman Julie Risley, Ladies’ Captain Jane Forbes, Men’s Captain Malcolm Handyside, High Handicap Coordinator Steve Whatley, Men’s Vice-Captain Ian Allen, Ladies’ Vice-Captain Joanne Burke, General Manager Toby Chandler, Office Administrator Mark Stewart, Pauline Herring, Pauline Munro and Seniors’ Chairman Barry Warren.
An extra special thank you to Head Greenkeeper Darren Wales and his team, Steve McNeil of Surrey County Golf and his elite players plus all of our volunteers, F&B staff and Office staff who worked across the weekend.

Are you looking to boost your business in the area? This is the perfect advertising opportunity with more than 150 golfers passing through. Sponsor a hole for the day and make it your own from banners and literature distribution to product samples.
Get in touch with the office on 01483 224 888 ext. 3 to learn more.